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📑 Preface

Part of the mystique and wonder of the Avatar world is the different eras. So much history all through this central "figure" is a captivating premise, and many fans have enjoyed imagining their own Avatar stories as a result.

This story is simply my own take of an unknown era, styled as though it were another entry in the Avatar Chronicles novel series.

I am not a professional writer by any means - I have never written a book or taken the necessary classes. And so, many "proper" book etiques will be missed. To the best of my ability though I try to mirror the cadence and tone of these books we have come to love. Alongside sticking closely to the established "rules" of the Avatarverse, I hope all of this results in a passion-felt, interesting read of a new Avatar!

Last Reviewed

[📝 | 10/27/2024]